Gel-Gel Room
Semarapura Room
Art / Cultural Eye Room
IDA I DEWA AGUNG ISTRI KANYA Part 6 – Female Fighters Against Dutch Colonialism In Klungkung
IDA I DEWA AGUNG ISTRI KANYA Part 6 - Female Fighters Against Dutch Colonialism In Klungkung EPILOG From the description above, the writing of the historical actor, Dewa Agung Istri Kanya, a female fighter from Klungkung Bali, is clear and understandable. It is...
IDA I DEWA AGUNG ISTRI KANYA Part 5 – Female Fighters Against Dutch Colonialism In Klungkung
IDA I DEWA AGUNG ISTRI KANYA Part 5 - Female Fighters Against Dutch Colonialism In Klungkung IDA I DEWA AGUNG RANYA'S WIFE IS A WOMAN OF EMPTY 5.1.Cultural Environment. Ida I Dewa Istri Kanya was a daughter of two sons of the king of Klungkung who held the...
IDA I DEWA AGUNG ISTRI KANYA Part 4 – Female Fighters Against Dutch Colonialism In Klungkung
IDA I DEWA AGUNG ISTRI KANYA Part 4 - Female Fighters Against Dutch Colonialism In Klungkung IDA I DEWA AGUNG KANYA'S WIFE AN IRON WOMAN IN THE KUSAMBAT WAR IN 1849 4.1. Political and Economic Conflict The historical trend that appeared in the 19th century...
IDA I DEWA AGUNG ISTRI KANYA Part 3 – Female Fighters Against Dutch Colonialism In Klungkung
IDA I DEWA AGUNG ISTRI KANYA Part 3 - Female Fighters Against Dutch Colonialism In Klungkung THE PROCESS OF SOCIALIZATION AND EN CULTURATION IN THE PALACE ENVIRONMENT 3.1. Semarapura Palace. Talking about Keraton Semarapura cannot be separated from its...
IDA I DEWA AGUNG ISTRI KANYA Part 2- Female Fighters Against Dutch Colonialism In Klungkung
IDA I DEWA AGUNG ISTRI KANYA Part 2- Female Fighters Against Dutch Colonialism In Klungkung CONDITIONS OF THE KINGDOM OF KLUNGKUNG IN THE 19TH CENTURY 2.1. Political situation. The Klungkung Kingdom was a kingdom among the eight kingdoms in Bali. The other kingdoms...
Photos of Klungkung during the Dutch East Indies Colonial Period 1906-1930s
Commander Tentenburg discusses with the kings in Bali Art performance in Klungkung (1925) Group of Europeans in Klungkung (1927) Dutch officials (Mr. Van Haar, Dutch Controller for Klungkung posing...

I Ketut Suadnyana, S.Pd, M.Si
Head of Culture Department Klungkung Regency
Welcome to the enchanting Semara Jaya Museum, nestled in the heart of Kabupaten Klungkung. Prepare to be captivated by a museum that embodies the spirit of Bali and its rich cultural heritage. Step into a realm where ancient traditions come alive, where vibrant colors and intricate craftsmanship transport you to a bygone era.
As you enter our museum, you will be greeted by a symphony of sights and sounds that celebrate the unique essence of Bali. Immerse yourself in the timeless beauty of traditional Balinese art, with its graceful dance forms, evocative music, and mesmerizing rituals. Marvel at the intricate woodcarvings and delicate paintings that depict mythological tales and folklore, each brushstroke a testament to the artistic prowess of our ancestors. …