Meaning & History Of Kerta Gosa

Kertha Gosa was a building or place for solving problems concerning security, prosperity, and justice of the Kingdom of Bali. The founder was not known, but according to CANDRA SENGKALA *) carved at Pemedal Agung (main door palace) it had been inexistent in the year Caka, Cakra Yuyu Paksi Paksi which means the year Caka 1622 or oround the year 1700 A.D, when Dewa Agung Jambe governed the Kingdom of Klungkung.

Function & Contents Of Kerta Gosa

Every month on “Buda Kliwon” or special Wednesday, the high king of Klungkung held a meeting attended by “Manca” (assistance of the king) in the regency of Klungkung. And besides Kertha Gosa was also used for receiving Priests and priest of the King (Bagawanta) for having lunch, and also for receiving foreigners who wished to meet the King.

During the era of Balinese Kingdom, every year on “Purnamaning Kapat” which i.e on full moon of the fourth month of the Balinese calendar, a meeting was held at Kertha Gosa attended by the regional kings throughout Bali where the high king of Klungkung gave his direction and decision concerning problem in accordance with the needs and the situation of the Kingdom of Bali.

On April 28, 1908 Dutch’s soldiers came to Klungkung to conguer the King of Klungkung. But the King and his people gave massive resistance to Dutch’s soldiers.Soldiers and bloodshed could not be avoided. The people of Klungkung and his king gave the last resistance (Puputan) to Dutch’s soldiers and at the end last Klungkung was ruled by the Dutch.

Soldiers and bloodshed could not be avoided. The people of Klungkung and his king gave the last resistance (Puputan) to Dutch’s soldiers and at the end last Klungkung was ruled by the Dutch.

Since then Kertha Gosa functioned as a court of justice, that solved the problem concerning customs, also acted against the usual religious practises.

The court was equipped with one table and six chairs. The chair with the symbol of lion was for the King as chief of court of justice. The chair with the symbol of cow was for the priest as a lawyer and adviser of the King in Making decision. The chair with the symbol of dragon was for the secretary.

The people being tried sat politely cross leg on the floor. Some times also called “Kontrolir” (a Dutch officer who controls the region) was present at the court when there was a very special trial.
1. The lowest part is about “TANTRI KANDAKA” which describes about all kinds of cheating found in society.
2. The second and the third part is about “ATMA PRESANGSA” which describes about the punishment and sufferings of the sounds of the dead. Bima Sena saw all pictures on his way to find his parent souls. The Story of the punishment of the souls is known as The Law of Karma.
There are five statues, three of which were made by Chinese sculptor and the other two were made by Pedanda Gede Kereta a Balinese priest from the village of Dawan. On the ceiling there are pictures of WAYANG (Balinese shadow play). These pictures show:
3. The fourth part is a story of “SANG GARUDA AMERTA” a mythical bird in the form of a big eagle which is looking for the water of eternal life. This story is taken From Adiparwa.
4. The fifth part is a story about “PELELINDON” (Earthquake). Earthquake could forecast what might or might not the world in the near future.
5. The sixth and seventh part, Bima Sena met God in heaven. He was fighting to rescue his father’s and mother’s souls from punishment.
6. The eighth part is about “SORGA ROH” a special place in heaven which is provided for the souls of those who faithfully follow the teaching of their religion for those who have done many good deeds in life.
7. The ninth part is the story of God who guard the equilibrium of the world.

Meaning & History Of Taman Gili

Taman Gili lies at the left side of Kertha Gosa. “Gili” is a piece of land at the midle of a pond. Taman Gili is a garden at the middle of a pond. It is also known as Bale Kambang which means floating house and it is as old as Kertha Gosa.

Fungtion & Contents Of Taman Gili

Actually the original form of Balai Kambang (floating house) was different from the one we see today. During the period ot the Balinese Kingdom, it is-small, lower and it did not have as many pillars as it does today. It functioned as the King guard’s headquarter.

The Dutch restored this building and changed it into its present form. If we want to know the original form of this building we can find it at Puri agung Klungkung. It is used as “Balai Pemandesan” a building where tooth filling ceremony is usually held. Since then the function of the Balai Kambang is not certain.

The ceiling of Balai Kambang is decorated “Wayang” picture.
1.Part I from below is about horoscope.
2. Part II ls a story of “Pan Berayut”, children story telling about a couple who had 18 children.
3. Part III, IV, V and VI, are stories of “SUTASOMA”, written by Mpu Tantular in 1365 during the period of Prabu Hayam Wuruk in Majapahit.

Explanation Of The Drawing Of Kerta Gosa

Section II At The East:
1. Dewi Kunti asked Bima Sena to go to Yamaniloka to free his father’s soul and his stepmother’s soul from the hell where they were still tortured.

Explanation Of The Drawing
Section II At The East:
2. The torturers of the hell are busy punishing and torture the souls of those who were sinful.

Explanation Of The Drawing
Section II At The East:
3. Buta Cingkaran (name of giant) is going to stab the soul with his keris (dagger) and elephants attack those who likes hunting and destroyed their living environment.

Explanation Of The Drawing
Section II At The East:
4. Buta Mundar and Buta Mandir are sawing the souls of those who sinned against their parents.

Explanation Of The Drawing
Section II At The East:
5. Buta Togtogsil (name of an evil giant) humiliates and threatens the souls of those who forget important letter, during his life. Example of the same crime today is manipulation of checks and forgery of signatures money of certificates.

Explanation Of The Drawing
Section II At The East:
6. Buta Maya is on a keris tree. The keris tree is being shaken by Buta Maya and the falling keris hit the souls of those who during his life time wasted by making love. When the souls reincarnate, the incarnation will have a serious physical defect.

Explanation Of The Drawing
Section II At The East:
7. The souls of those who in life had no child are being hung on bamboo trees.

Explanation Of The Drawing
Section II At The East:
8. Buta Lalia is pulling out the tongues of those who on life like to poison other.

Explanation Of The Drawing
Section II At The East:
9. Buta Edan is pulling out and throwing away the hair of those who in life worked witches.

Explanation Of The Drawing
Section II At The East:
10. Buta Mracu is punishing the souls of mothers who refused to nurse their babies. The souls of these mothers are nursed by big caterpillar.

Explanation Of The Drawing
Section II At The East:
11. Buta Jangitan chops the souls of those who in their life time are not honest, because they have the habit of forging things made of gold and silver.

Explanation Of The Drawing
Stage II On The West:
12. The souls of mothers who purposely aborted because of abseenity in life. Are seen here walking a long a weak bamboo bridge which is being shaken by their former fetus. Buta Jering is throwing stone to them and Buta Mracu is ready to cut them with is sword.

Explanation Of The Drawing
Stage II On The West:
13. The souls of those who liked to torture animals are seen here being tortured by animals.

Explanation Of The Drawing
Stage II On The West:
14. Sang Suratma is punishing the souls of those who committed adultery.

Explanation Of The Drawing
Stage II On The West:
15. The souls of those who liked to pass gas in front of others Their can be seen here the rectum is being pulled out.

Explanation Of The Drawing
Stage II On The West:
16. Buta Ode is torturing the soulsof those who liked to steal seedling from rise field.

Explanation Of The Drawing
Stage II On The West:
17.  Buta Cingkaran and Buta Maya are pounding the souls at those who were ambivalence.

Explanation Of The Drawing
Stage II At The North:
18. The souls of robbers and murderes are being cut by Buta Jering and Sang Suratma.

Explanation Of The Drawing
Stage II At The North:
19. Buta Jering and Sang Suratma are chopping the souls of those who liked raping, killing and looting.

Explanation Of The Drawing
Stage II At The North:
20. Buta Maya and Buta Lendi are burning the vagina and penis of those who liked to have illegal intercourse.

Explanation Of The Drawing
Stage II At The North:
21. The souls of those who were dishonest in gambling (cock fighting) are being punished by Buta Lateng.

Explanation Of The Drawing
Stage II At The North:
22. The souls of men who liked disturbing married women are being punished by Buta Jengitan. His penis is being burnt.

Explanation Of The Drawing
Stage II At The North:
23. Buta Mrengut is punishing the souls of unmarried men, women, or bestiality.

Explanation Of The Drawing
Stage II At The North:
24. Buta Ode and Sang Suratma are burning the vagina of prostitutes.

Explanation Of The Drawing
Stage II At The North:
25. The soul of men who liked to practise black magic are being punished by Sang Buta Rengreng.

Explanation Of The Drawing
Stage V, Pelelindon (Earthquake)
26. If earthquake happens on the month of Ashada (twelfth) when Anantaboga is in state of meditation, foretells that chaos, long drought, failure in agriculture and bad trades, might happen to the Kingdom in the near future.

Explanation Of The Drawing
At The North:
27. If there is an earthquake on the first month of the year while the God Sri is meditating, there will be peace.

Explanation Of The Drawing
At The North:
28. If the earthquake happens on the second month of the year (Karp), while Bhetari Gangga is meditating, there will be peace. rain and the land becomes fertile.

Explanation Of The Drawing
At The East:
29. If earthquake happens on third month (Ketiga) when Bhetara Wlsnu is in state of meditation, it foretells prosperity.

Explanation Of The Drawing
At The East:
30. If there is earthquake on the fourth month (Kapat) of the year, while Batara Brahma is meditating, there will be peace and enough rain.

Explanation Of The Drawing
31. If earthquake that heppens on fifth month (Kelima) when Betara lswara is in state of meditation it, foretells that society will be in chaos and contagious diseases spread.

Explanation Of The Drawing
At The South:
32. If there is earthquake on the sixth month (Keenam) of the year while Bhetari Durga is meditating, there will be an epidemic especially in a densely populated area.

Explanation Of The Drawing
At The South:
33. Earthquake that happens on seventh month (Kepitu). When Betara Guru is in state of meditation, foretells that government will be in disorder and people are confused, they lose their confidence to the their government.

Explanation Of The Drawing
At The South:
34. If there is earthquake on the eighth month (Kaulu) of the year while Betara Parameswara is meditating, there will be no peace and the country is not peaceful.

Explanation Of The Drawing
At The West:
35. If there is earthquake on the ninth month (Kesanga) of the year, while Betari Uma is meditating, there will be suffering everywhere. In Bali it is known as “rain of fire”.

Explanation Of The Drawing
At The West:
36. If Earthquake happens on the tenth month (Kedasa) when Batara Narasinga is in state of meditation it, foretells that the state of Kingdom will be in peace and prosperity.

Explanation Of The Drawing
At The West:
37. If Earthquake that happens on eleventh month (Diesta) when Batara Sambu is in state of meditation it, foretells depression and inflation.

Explanation Of The Drawing Of Taman Gili

Taman Gili

Explanation Of The Drawing
38. Saturday Wage, star “Puwuh Atarung”. A leader is being entertained, two men are holding cocks. The meaning is that a man has a lot of followers. He likes quarrelling and debating but he likes to solve problem open mindedly He is rich but stingy. He lives long, he is loved by his society.

Taman Gili
Explanation Of The Drawing
39. Saturday Pon, star Sungenge. A Sungenge flower is between two person. A person born on this day is rarely ill, lives long, and people love him.

Taman Gili
Explanation Of The Drawing
40.Saturday Paing, star Panah (arrow). A man is shooting an elephant. A person born on this day is brave, heroic, has a lot of followers and important persons love him.

Taman Gili
Explanation Of The Drawing
41. Saturday Umanis, star Depat, the chief of giant is being attacked by a lot of people. The meaning is that one who suffers from prejudice. Although he is polite and tells the truth, his neighbours do not believe him.

Taman Gili
Explanation Of The Drawing
42. Sunday Kliwon, Star Goang, a man is cutting his own head. The meaning is that one who is born this day is stubborn pays no attention to other people ideas and like stealing and gambling.

Taman Gili
Explanation Of The Drawing
43. Sunday, “Wage” star Uluku. He picture of a man is ploughing in the rice field and his wife brings him food and water. One who is born on this day has a lot trouble during his childhood but when he grow up he’ll get less trouble.

Taman Gili
Explanation Of The Drawing
44. Sunday “Pon”, star “petrem”. A person holding a weapon. A person born on this day might die because of suicide or accidence.

Taman Gili
Explanation Of The Drawing
45. Sunday “Paing”, star “Gajah (Elephant), two elephants are fighting. A person born on this day will be strong mighty, have many children and get rich easily, ‘but not many people like to help him.

Taman Gili
Explanation Of The Drawing
46. Sunday “Umanis”, star “Kala Sungsang”. The devil “Kala Sungsang” with a child besides him there is Batara giving advice. A person born on this day has weak voice, likes opposing his teacher and easily misunderstanding.

Taman Gili
Explanation Of The Drawing
47. Monday “Kliwon” star “Pedati Kosong”, (empty cart). A bad man is in front of it. A· person born on this day has good fortune, can get rich but quite often thieves come to steal his belonging.

Taman Gili
Explanation Of The Drawing
48. Monday ‘Wage” star “Lembu” (a cow), two man who taking a cow to a field to graze. A man is seen carrying basket to put grass in. A person born on this day seldom face happiness in his life. He has hard life since child hood. He is good at farming, honest and many people take pity on him.

Taman Gili
Explanation Of The Drawing
49. Monday “Pon” star “Kiriman”. A husband and a wife are going to eat. Beside him there is a man committing sin. A person born on this day get a lot of sadnees because of others behaviour.

Taman Gili
Explanation Of The Drawing
50. Monday “Paing” star “Kukus”. A priest is praying and in front of him people are asking for his blessing. The meaning is that one who is born in this day will have good fortune but always spends all of it and has nothing left.

Taman Gili
Explanation Of The Drawing
51. Monday “Umanis” star “Kelapa” (coconut), three persons are looking for coconut. A person born on this day will sell copra well. He is not so clever and he is sometimes unhappy.

Taman Gili

Explanation Of The Drawing
52. Tuesday “Kliwon” star “Sidemalung”. Two dogs face each other and a pig is eating. A person born on this day is good at rearing pigs. He is recommended not to do important things, and he work hard.

Taman Gili
Explanation Of The Drawing
53. Tuesday “Wage”, star “Perehu Sarat” (Overloaded boat). It can be Seen here there is an overloaded boat. A person born in this day has a lot of money. Many people want to borrow his money but many people are unwilling to pay his money back. He is recommended not to do important things.

Taman Gili
Explanation Of The Drawing
54. Tuesday “Pon”, star “Anjing” (dog), someone is being bitten by a dog. This means that one who is born on this day, will have heroic personality, talent of leadership, reliable and respectable.

Taman Gili
Explanation Of The Drawing
55. Tuesday “paing” star “Ketem” (a crab) two men are catching clamps. A person born on this day is strong hearted, skilful, clever to take care of himself and wealthy. He is not recommended to do important things and he get angry about some ting, however, he is very helpful.

Taman Gili
Explanation Of The Drawing
56. Tuesday “Umanis”. star “Kuda” (a horse) it can be seen here there is a man riding a horse, in front of him there is a priest and his slave. Behind the person who riding the horse are two giants. A person born on this day is wealthy but subject illness. He must be very careful in doing his work because he easly gets angry.

Taman Gili
Explanation Of The Drawing
57. Wednesday “Kliwon” star ”Atiwa-atiwa”, A dead man is being looked after by his wife and neighbours. this husband and wife love each other but the husband then died. A person born on this day is childless because any time he has a child, the child soon die. This influences on his behaviour quite often become impolite. His work is mediocre.

Taman Gili
Explanation Of The Drawing
58. Wednesday “Wage” star “Kartika”. Two men are pointing to the star in the sky and the other is watching the flower. This means that they are good person happy in their life and they have a lot of friend.

Taman Gili
Explanation Of The Drawing
59. Wednesday “Pon” star “Lumbung Mujung”. A store-room is full of rice, in front of it there is a person with an offering. A person born on this day can get rich if he believes in God.

Taman Gili
Explanation Of The Drawing
60. Wednesday “Paing” star “Gajah Mina” (big fish). Two men are catching a big fish. A person born on this day will be rich because God shows him love. His work is mediocre and he is decent.

Taman Gili
Explanation Of The Drawing
61. Wednesday “Umanis” star “Tangis”. A sick man is take care by a women and a boy. A person born on this day leads a simple life, many people are jealous of him, and he is often melancholy.

Taman Gili
Explanation Of The Drawing
62. Thursday “Kliwon”, star “Naga” (dragon). A man is going to attack a dragon. A person born on this day always shows off himself, he is talkative, fair and stubborn.

Taman Gili
Explanation Of The Drawing
63. Thursday “Wage”, star “Kumba”. Two pans with water on them. A person born on this day leads a happy life. He is fair.

Taman Gili
Explanation Of The Drawing
64. Thursday “Pon” star “Bade”. A cremation tower is being burnt by those who are assigned to do it. This means one who is always in bad health since his childhood but if he lives long he will be rich.

Taman Gili
Explanation Of The Drawing
65. Thursday “Paing” star “Salah Ukur”. Two leaders are fighting, two people are running. A person born on this day likes travelling very much, wasting his money, he likes debating, and he is firm in his opinion.

Taman Gili
Explanation Of The Drawing
66. Thursday “Umanis” star “Kapak Tikel”, A family is looking for fire wood and suddenly his axe is broken. This means that he· has very good fortune but extravagant. He is stubborn too.

Taman Gili
Explanation Of The Drawing
67. Friday “Kliwon” star “Udang” (Lobster). Two person are catching lobsters. A person born on this day is unhappy during his childhood but when he is grown up he will lead a happy life.

Taman Gili
Explanation Of The Drawing
68. Friday “Wage” star “Gelut Utang”. Person in debts is running away carrying his bag with him. The man lending him the money is going to hit him. A person born on this day is always in debt.

Taman Gili
Explanation Of The Drawing
69. Friday “Pon” star “Perahu Pegat” (broken boat). A boat was broken into two parts. A passenger was caught by a big fish. A person born on this day sooner or later will lose her husband or his wife. One of the couple will die soon. He or she is good at farming, like to meditate but a little lazy.

Taman Gili
Explanation Of The Drawing
70. Friday “Paing” star ‘Bubu Bolong”. A man is catching fish, and the other is examining his broken basket. A person born on this day has good fortune but thieves can easily steal from him.

Taman Gili
Explanation Of The Drawing
71. Friday “Umanis” star “banyak Angrem”. A duck is was sitting on its eggs. A boy came and stole the eggs. A person born on this day has good fortune but thieves can easily steal from him.

Taman Gili
Explanation Of The Drawing
72. Saturday “Kliwon” star “Larung Pagelangan”. Three persons are on a boat, one of them is bringing an offering to the His wife and children accompany him. One who is born on this day gets sick easily when he or she gets married. But he is clever and wise he protects others but he should be careful.